24 Jun Chapter 5: Sight (Unedited)
The winter was now in the depths of it’s seasonal routine; surprisingly warm during the day and piercingly cold through the night.
On this particular day, a few breaths after noon, we find the two lovebirds patiently waiting to be patients of a planned therapy session. After waiting for a disgruntled fifteen minutes, they are called into his office.
The therapist, a man in his late-forties, had an obvious, paid to sound comforting happy tone, “Greetings. I’m thrilled that you both decided to schedule a visit… you know how important therap—“
She cuts him off, “Hi. Pleasure to meet you. My name’s Jane and this is my irresponsible, negligent, barely good for anything, –“
The therapist clears his throat and intervenes, “Okay now, this is supposed to be a safe place…”
She continues, “This is my boyfriend, his name is Jay.”
Jay looks over and whispers to her, “Wow, is that how you really feel about me?”
She looks at him and then looks right back at the therapist without saying anything and with zero-facial expression.
The therapist tries to alleviate the stale air, “Well, Jay and Jane. It’s nice to meet you both. So… I think we should let her talk first as it seems like she already has a lot she’d like to say. And remember, this is supposed to be a place to work problems out, not to add to them.” He nervously looks up at Jane, “So… what do you feel like is wrong?”
Jane makes her tone as innocent as humanly possible, “I just feel like… he’s losing interest in me.”
Jay looks at her with a very confused expression.
The therapist looks at Jane and with a stern voice says, “And what exactly makes you feel that way?”
She turns her head to Jay and tilts it at an angle that ensures gravity lets all of her flow down her left side like some sort of sass-filled statement, “Say Jay, why don’t you tell him about your latest little adventure?”
Jay fixes his posture and with a nervous vernacular, caused by his dislike in explaining personal issues, let alone to a therapist, begins to tell the story, “Well… just so you know, you know, Jane and I have been together for quite some time now…”
Jane rolls her eyes.
“… and basically, so the story is pretty basic, just to make a long story short…
I was walking through a parking lot and this girl in a car, she was frustrated because she couldn’t get turned on – I mean couldn’t turn her car on,
and so I, basically I, in a nutshell, I started tapping it—tapping the car starter… with you know, like a wrench… and it turned on, came back on, and she was turning the key a bunch of times and then my belt was unbuckled…
I don’t know, I’m telling the truth, nothing weird happened.”
The therapist had a shocked look on his face and slowly looked over at Jane, “Okay. Yeah, I’m going to be honest. The way you’re explaining the story – doesn’t sound very good.”
They both turn to Jay with a heated stare. This made him feel a little uncomfortable so he says, “Well. What about her? She’s running around, markets, things like that, getting free key chains from random people.”
The therapist leans back in his chair, closes his eyes and puts his hands together, “Yeah… I’m not seeing the correlation….so, in my professional opinion, through my professional lens, harnessed through my years of experience, it appears that your issues are deeper than I had initially thought.”
At this point Jay is frustrated, “What do you mean? We’re fine… perfectly normal!”
Jane chirps in, “See Doctor. This is what I’ve been trying to tell you.
He just has no interest in me… at all.
He’s too busy running around, says he’s writing things for me, but randomly drops them for other women to find and then so apparently they’re not for me anymore– and there’s a book he is writing. It’s just a big mess.”
Jay puts his hands over his face in disbelief.
The therapist leans over closer to both of them,
“Looks like I’m going to have to pencil you all in for another hour – you all really need it. Should I charge the same Visa?
But, if you’ll excuse me, I have to step out for a minute and make a phone call. I can’t schedule around it. We’ll pick up where we left off when I return.”
The therapist leaves the room and Jane, in a sudden change of moods, looks at Jay and says, “How long do you think he’ll be gone for?”
Jay mumbles to her, “I don’t know? A few minutes maybe, why?”
Jane runs over to the door, locks it, then runs over to Jay, jumps on him, does some tricky clothing magic and pursues a sexually playful activity – the windows became slightly steamy.
After a few minutes, they hear a knock at the door. “Coming!”, Jane says as Jay’s foot hits underneath the table with a loud thud.
Jane runs over to the door and unlocks it. The therapist looks slightly confused, “Sorry about that, sometimes the door jams.”
Jane smirks, “No problem. By the way do you all have any water bottles or anything that I can have to drink?”
The therapist points outside the room, “Yeah. There’s a water cooler next to the bathroom, help yourself.”
Jane leaves the room and the therapist sits back at his desk. There is a heavy level of awkwardness in the room. Jay is sitting back with his hands together, twiddling his thumbs while the therapist looks at some paperwork, whistling something unmelodic.
After a minute or two, Jane walks back into the room. For some reason, in that particular moment, she looked more beautiful than he has ever seen her.
Jane sits back in her chair, makes her body language, voice and tone prim and proper, “So… like I was saying – I Just don’t know what to do with him.”
The therapist, with an overly sympathetic tone, looks at Jane and says, “I definitely understand what you’re saying. I really do feel for you. But, we will all work through this – TOGETHER“ looks at Jay obnoxiously, “It will get better. That’s what I’m here for.”
After their additional hour of therapy was up, they walk to the car and Jane starts driving. She rarely likes to drive, but she could tell Jay was disoriented.
After riding in the car with a few strong minutes of silence, Jane looks at Jay and says, “You know I believe you and trust you about those stories… I just wanted to see how much you cared, if you’d actually show up to a therapy meeting with me.”
Jay shakes his head, “Well if you believed me, for all of these weeks…pouting…sulking, why not just talk to me? Why’d we have to spend over five hundred dollars for that…”
Jane giggles, “What? So should I charge you more next time for that?” and finishes her sentence with a wink.
They both break into a heavy-hearted laughter.
Jay switches to a more serious tone, “Hey. Do you think you can just drop me off by the beach? I need to get some writing done.”
Jane, with a new found happiness, “Of course.”
Jay gets dropped off at the beach and walks along the coastline for a bit until he finds a small section with grass, right under a few palm trees. He puts his earphones in, turns on some jams and lays down on the grass… slowly drifting into a nap.
Meanwhile, on a bench not too far from Jay – two men are sitting and having a conversation. It is that of the ‘homeless’ man and the guy with the glass eye.
The man looks at the guy with the glass eye, “So Tim, what brings you here?”
Tim responds, “Well I reckon it’s probably the same reason you’re here, Ted.”
Tim pulls out two cigars from his jacket pocket and motions one to Ted in suggestion, “Want one?”
Ted responds, “Sure… why not.”
Tim lights one cigar and passes it to Ted. He then lights up his second cigar and takes several puffs from it.
Ted: “It’s different, huh?”
Tim: “Yes.”
Ted: “it’s something special…”
Tim: “Both him and his woman.”
Ted: “Haven’t seen anything like them in a very, very-“
Tim: “a very, very long time. Yeah, I know. They don’t know it yet though.”
Ted: “Tim… I’m going to have to ask you for a personal favor and let them be.”
Tim: “What will I get in return? I’ve seen it. I know what you’re talking about.”
Ted: “As have I. Your space Tim, that’s what you get.”
Tim: “Excuse you – my space? Need I remind you of who I am?”
Ted: “Likewise.”
Tim: “Touché.”
They both lightheartedly shake each other’s hand.
Tim: “But, I’m going to need more than that from you Ted.”
They both stand up and begin to walk away. Ted looks at Tim and says, “We’ll talk more soon.” Tim nods his head in agreement and they both go their separate ways.
About another hour goes by and Jay starts to wake up from his slumber. He feels a presence next time him and quickly looks over to see the girl with the light bulb tattoo sitting next to him.
Jay quickly jumps up, “Seriously lady… what is wrong with you? I don’t even know you.”
She springs up and makes a face as if she’s done nothing out of the ordinary, “My name is Littea, by the way. I was actually just out for a jog when I literally just saw you laying there a few minutes ago. Decided to come and spend some time with you.”
Jay in a very confused daze, “Spend some time with me? Listen Littea, I don’t know how you keep running into me, but this is kind of weird.”
She responds with a very nonchalant tone, “Well… you aren’t exactly pushing me away either.” She blows him a kiss and then pulls out a piece of paper with Jay’s handwriting on it. “By the way, I took this from your pocket.” She then continues on her jog.
Jay yells out, “What are you doing? Come back here. Who are you?” and begins to run after her.
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